Quality Nutrition for Every Pond Fish
A healthy pond starts with quality nutrition. As the makers of the world’s most popular Fish food, TetraPond offers a variety of pond nutrition to meet any need. You can feel good knowing your Koi, Goldfish, and other pond fish are receiving a diet full of beneficial protein, vitamins, and fiber.
Using quality fish food helps keep your pond clearer and cleaner. Foods like TetraPond Pond Sticks and Flakes are highly digestible—meaning nutrients are fully digested and not passed out into the pond to pollute and promote algae growth. It is important to only feed your fish enough food that they will consume within five minutes to avoid clouding water. The Soft Sticks Advantage
Tetra offers a variety of soft stick diets to provide the best possible nutrition all year round. TetraPond sticks are designed to soften quickly for toothless pond fish and are highly digestible to promote clear water and minimize waste. Take a look below to see which TetraPond Stick diet might be best for your fish. Keeping Fish in Peak Condition
TetraPond Diets include the proper balance of nutrients to keep you fish in peak condition:
Vitamins: For growth, health, and metabolism. Contains stabilized Vitamin C.
Protein: Contains amino acids for growth and maintenance.
Fats: A concentrated energy source.
Fiber: For healthy and efficient digestion. Guide to Proper Fish Feeding
Feed at least two to three times daily only as much food as your fish will consume within five minutes. When water temperature is below 50 degrees pond fish should only be fed TetraPond Spring and Fall diet. Fish should not be fed when the temperature is below 39 degrees.
Explore All of TetraPond's Pond Sticks TetraPond Pond Sticks An ideal maintenance diet that provides nutrition for energy, longevity, and overall health. Feed in spring, summer, and fall when water temperatures are 50 degrees and above. Ideal for all sizes of Pond Fish, Goldfish, and Koi. TetraPond Koi Vibrance A highly nutritious diet that brings out vibrant reds and yellows on Koi and Ornamental Goldfish. Feed in spring, summer, and fall, when water temperatures are 50 degrees and above. Ideal for all sizes of Koi and Ornamental Goldfish. TetraPond Spring & Fall Diet Wheat germ’s exceptional digestibility at low temperatures is very important since fish metabolism and the pond’s ammonia-reducing biological activity are greatly diminished in colder months. Feed in spring and fall, when water temperatures are below 50 degrees and above 39 degrees. Ideal for all sizes of Koi and Goldfish. TetraPond Koi Growth A high-protein diet containing essential amino acids that help younger fish grow. Feed in late spring and early summer when water temperatures are 50 degrees and above. Ideal for young Koi and Goldfish. TetraPond Variety Blend Premium blend of three foods to enhance vitality. Includes Pond Sticks, Koi Vibrance, and Wheat Germ Sticks. Feed in spring, summer, and fall, when water temperatures are 50 degrees and above. Great variety for all pond fish. TetraPond Vacation Food Have peace of mind when traveling with TetraPond Vacation Food. This gel-based block will feed all pond fish for up to seven days without clouding water. Feed in spring, summer, and fall, when water temperatures are 50 degrees and above. Ideal for all pond fish during periods of extended absence. Keep Your Pond Healthy with These Tetra Pond Products Click an Image to Learn More
Nutrition Koi Vibrance, Goldfish Multi Mix, Pond Sticks, Pond Flakes, Vacation Food
UV Clarifiers 5 watt, 9 watt, 18 watt, 36 watt
Remedies AquaSafe, Filter Starter, Water Clarifier, KoiVital, Sludge Reducer, Algae Control
Filtration ClearChoice BioFilter, BioActive Pressure Filter, Flat Box Filter, Waterfall Filter
Product Description
For 50 year, fishkeeping enthusiasts have looked to the Tetra name for products and solutions that add ease and beauty to their home. Whether you're an experienced hobbyist or just starting out, Tetra has everything you need–-from a large variety of quality fish food and innovative equipment to test kits and decor. Wheatgerm transitions fish in and out of winter. Excellent digestion even at low water temperatures, thereby reducing contamination, especially in spring and fall. For koi and all pond fish. Wheatgerm's exceptional digestibility at low temperatures is very important since fish metabolism and the pond's ammonia reducing biological activity are greatly diminished in colder months. Feed in spring and fall, when water temperatures are below 50-Degree F and above 39-Degree F. Soft Stick Advantage: Designed to soften quickly because pond fish have no teeth. High digestibility which is important because pond fish have no stomachs. High digestibility promotes clear water by minimizing waste.